Everything you ever wanted to know about photography, but were afraid to ask.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Experimenting with Steel Wool Photography

As its that time of year again, and the nights are drawing in and the clocks have changed. I thought I would have a bit of a play with something I have never tried before. Shooting with long exposure steel wool, and I think the results for my first try are not too bad.

I will play around with it a bit more and add my creative spark (lol) to it and I know its something I am going to love playing around with.

So here are my first few attempts

Not too bad for my first attempt.

But a few works of caution.

  1. Always wear clothing that covers all your body, including a hat and gloves. The sparks can get really hot.
  2. Do your shots in a large area: The sparks fly a lot further than you think, and if you get some bit of steel flying off you could have a fire on your hands
  3. Carry a fire extinguisher or have some method to tackle fires.
So I will continue to play with this and post back my shots.